Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Sometimes heart doesnot feel happy, don't know says in the supressed, chocked voice that we have made it...............but when it says itz not happy then it hurts like hell. Hardly ever thought about what it says, hardly ever heard those unspoken words, hardly ever let it have any opinion but is more powerful than any other thing in the world..............Trust it!


Anonymous said...

yes sumtimes it do happen, at that moment it wishes to do something that heart wants and yours missing to do it or simply out of mind.

but mostly u heart say yes n mind say no need of it at that moment i feel the same.

i felt the same today and spent sometimes in open with me and feel good.

by the way nice blog

Anjali said...

Thanks Ami!

I never thought people at here will ever find this blog but you got it gal. Thanks for visiting....

Anonymous said...

sometime its happen but u hav to thinkk by ur mind an all depends on u